These atom sources produce a neutral beam with an extremely high atomic flux and essentially zero ion content, and are designed to easily allow changes between different gases and flow regimes.
Ultra-High Vacuum Products
The Oxford Applied Research mini e-beam evaporators are designed to deposit ultra-pure films of materials, featuring low contamination, low particulate generation, and high reliability.
Piezoelectric leak valves from Oxford Applied Research are high quality all-metal UHV-compatible leak valves.
Utilizes a fine-bore inert cracker tube connected directly to the gas-inlet line, confining and minimizing gas load while providing a large surface area and long path length for high efficiency cracking at very low flow rates.
These products include Linear Translators, Vertical Translators, Rotary Stages, and Goniometer Stages.
UHV compatible stepper motors are available in a range of sizes with torque ratings from 75 mNm to 1,000 mNm, suitable for low-speed precision in-vacuum manipulation without the use of particle generating motion feed-throughs.
Engineered to drive vacuum-compatible stepper motors with maximum performance and minimal heat, optimized for use with AML UHV-compatible motors.
These products include Ion Gauge Process Controllers, Bayard-Alpert Ion Gauges, Ion Gauge Cables, and Pirani Gauge Heads and Leads.
A range of accessories including Electrical Feedthroughs, Air and Vacuum Side Connectors, Connecting Cables, and Wiring Accessories.
Not sure if Ultra-High Vacuum will work for your application?
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Not sure if Ultra-High Vacuum will work for your application?
Our specialists are happy to help.