3-D reconstructions and visualizations based on micro-CT imagery of a Hericium coralloides basidioma sample. A.Fixed and critical-point dried sample. Three histo-anatomical features can be recognized on the optical image (Pallua et al.2014): basal branch (1), side branches (2), and end branch structures (3). B. 3-D surface rendered image of the micro-CT-dataset processed by a connected component algorithm to ignore irrelevant structure such as small pieces caused by the inherent image noise. C. 3-D surface rendered image of the spatial thickness distribution (0–357mm). Credit: Pallua, Johannes D., et al, Mycologia, 20 Jan 2017.
Application of micro-computed tomography to microstructure studies of the medicinal fungus Hericium coralloides
This study explores the potential of using micro-CT imaging for the study of morphological patterns of the potential medicinal fungus Hericium coralloides (Basidiomycota). Micro-CT results are correlated with histological information from electron and light microscopy to demonstrate that combining these imaging methods results in a more distinct picture of the morphology of this fungus. 3D visualizations are reconstructed from the micro-CT images.
READ MORE on using micro-CT for fungi microstructure studies, from Mycologia.
Three-Dimensional X-Ray Imaging and Analysis of Fungi on and in Wood
Research on fungi on wood is used to understand fungal degradation of wood with the goal of product improvement. Micro-CT is used to visualize fungal mycelium in wood nondestructively in three dimensions with submicron resolution. Comparison of wood volumes before and after fungal exposure showed the presence of the fungal mass on and in the wood samples. The study concludes that micro-CT scanning is useful for both mycological and wood research.
READ MORE about imaging fungi on and in wood, from Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Digitization of natural objects with micro CT and photographs
This study offers a 3D digitization technique for natural objects, such as insects and plants (including mushrooms), to visualize both complicated 3D shapes and surface textures of target specimens. The researchers use a micro-CT scanner to obtain volumetric images and information and a digital camera to obtain photographs. The texture in the final images is generated by segmenting the micro-CT volume and projecting the photographs onto the model. The study concludes that this technique “makes it possible to successfully digitize specimens with complicated 3D structures accurately and allows us to browse both surface colors and internal structures.”
READ MORE for digitization of natural objects, from PLOS ONE.
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