Skull reconstruction of the late Miocene ape Rudapithecus hungaricus from Rudabánya, Hungary
This study presents a reconstruction of a well-preserved ape skull from late Miocene deposits in Rudabánya, Hungary. The study utilized micro-CT scans of the original Rudapithecus hungaricus partial cranium RUD 200 and the associated mandible RUD 212 to “realign displaced bone fragments, and reconstruct the shape of the upper and lower jaws guided by occlusal fingerprint analysis of dental wear patterns.” This very interesting study explains the geometric morphometric methods used, and compares the reconstructed skull with extant primates.
READ MORE on using micro-CT for a primate skull reconstruction, from Science Direct.
A collection of non-human primate computed tomography scans housed in MorphoSource, a repository for 3D data
A collection of physical specimens of 431 primate specimens are archived at Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. Micro-CT high resolution scans of the specimens were done at the Center for Nanoscale Systems at Harvard, and the resultant dataset is archived on The dataset of high-resolution microCT scans was collected to address questions about primate skull morphology, and the collection represents 59 species from most Primate families. “These data have transformative reuse potential as such datasets are necessary for conducting high power research into primate evolution, but require significant time and funding to collect.”
READ MORE about this micro-CT 3D primate skull collection, from Nature.
Laboratory x-ray micro-computed tomography: a user guideline for biological samples
“This paper provides an easily operated ‘how to’ guide for new potential users and describes the various steps required for successful planning of research projects that involve micro-CT.” Micro-CT studies are helping to improve techniques for studying the morphology of biological samples, such as primates, in a non-destructive manner. The article provides guidelines that can be used during research planning and to facilitate the interaction among researchers and micro-CT users.
READ MORE for micro-CT user guidelines for biological samples, from the National Institutes of Health.
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Contact: Benjamin Ache, Product Manager, Bruker Micro-CTs P: 610-366-7103 ext 115.