How does the InAlyzer2 DEXA system compare with other small animal laboratory instruments?
For those who study obesity, genetics, cell physiology, bone, or soft tissue, the DEXA InAlyzer2 offers superior speed & precision for measuring BMD and BMC in small lab animals ~ simple, quick, noninvasive, and automated.
Peer-reviewed validation studies comparing the performance of different DEXA systems are valuable for understanding how well a particular instrument performs in comparison to others. A new study¹ published January 2024 in “Bone” compared the accuracy and precision of two newer DEXA instruments, the InAlyzer and the iNSiGHT, to those of an established device, the PIXImus. The DEXA body composition measures were also compared to whole-body NMR outcomes, and BMC of bone was compared to ex-vivo micro-CT.
CLICK HERE to view the comparison study.
What DEXA laboratory instruments were compared in the new 2024 study?
The InAlyzer2 DEXA (Medikors, Seoul, South Korea) was compared to two other DEXA systems:
- The PIXImus peripheral DXA system (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI), which was used extensively for whole-body in vivo BMD measures of mice but which is now discontinued.
- The iNSiGHT VET DXA (Osteosys, Seoul, South Korea)
What factors were assessed in comparing the DEXA InAlyzer2 to other lab instruments?
The validation study assessed accuracy, precision and comparability of the DEXA instruments, and also addressed scan speed and radiation exposure.
What were the small animal DEXA validation study’s conclusions?
From the Abstract: “With faster scan times, closed X-ray source and excellent precision, the new devices are both satisfactory replacements for the now discontinued PIXImus system. However, given the accuracy of the bone and body composition measures, the InAlyzer may be preferable for studies where musculoskeletal changes are the main interest.”
How do DEXA studies with small animals advance our understanding of bone health, body composition, and the effects of various interventions?
Rodent models are frequently used in studies of obesity and osteoporosis, which are highly prevalent conditions. DEXA has been used to measure bone mass and body composition in vivo in rodents for several decades. DEXA is noninvasive and allows for longitudinal assessments of body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) with limited radiation.
How do the InAlyzer2 DEXA systems compare to the PIXImus system?
The InAlyzer2 DEXA systems offer a well-tested technology for the measurement of bone mineral density and body composition in laboratory animals. The InAlyzer2 is as much as five times faster than the PIXImus, and the InAlyzer2 provides greater precision. A key InAlyzer2 benefit is the option to handle lab animals as large as 3000 grams, while the PIXImus is limited to 50 grams. CLICK HERE to view a chart that details the two systems.
Contact our Applications Specialist to see if the DEXA InAlyzer2 is a good fit for your research.
¹Jennifer C. Coulombe, David E. Maridas, Jarred L. Chow, Mary L. Bouxsein, Small animal DXA instrument comparison and validation, “Bone”, Volume 178, 2024, 116923, ISSN 8756-3282,